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Three Rivers Quarry Ledgestone
Three Rivers Quarry Ledgestone
Three Rivers Quarry Ledgestone
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$34.99 will be added for each palletized or bagged material
Price Per Ton $1,249.99 Sold Out At This Time
Inflation Fighter Sale $849.99
Savings: $400.00
Material Type: Quartzite sandstone
Level Of Experience Required: DIY's with basic landscape or construction skills for Pathway & Stepping Stone Setting. For Slab & Mortar Setting employ experienced masonry professional
Typical Time Required: Man Hours will vary according to volume of stone purchased, design and specifications.
Equipment Needed: Pathway & Stepping Stone Setting - contractor grade wheelbarrow, or heavy duty upright dolly & hand tools. Slab Walkway, Patio Setting - full level masonry saw & tool supply.
Additional Materials Needed: Pathway & Stepping Stone Setting - gravel base, masonry sand, cement & mortar. Slab Walkway, Patio Setting - It is best to work from a plan with material specifications.
(Minimum order):  2

Quantity in Stock:(Out of Stock)

Availability:: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Business Days
Product Code: 900LDGX4060

Description Material Transport Photos & Liability
Three Rivers Quarry Ledgstone
The bold lavender and cream colors splash across these stones in countless patterns.
Often called the Lavender Zebra, this is a remarkable of kind stone with many color patterns, most often with lavender and cream being dominant.

This product is available for delivery to nearly all locations in the USA and Canada. In the spring of 2018, Alexandra Gilcrest and a business associate of ours went on an expedition into Idaho to track down some potential stashes of Three Rivers Flagstone. As a result of their success, we have a very limited amount of this very valuable stone in mostly patio-size pieces and ledge stone veneer to sell.
There is always going to be a slight variance of square footage from pallet to pallet even if the weights are similar. The square foot coverage per ton of flagstone will vary with each project. Designs of the project, the average stone thickness, size of joints, pattern cuts, waste, etc. will affect area coverage.

This legendary Idaho quarry was closed down back in 2009 by the typical false environmentalist arguments about destroying "all the forest and river watershed lands." At one point providing 181 jobs and pumping nearly 5.4 million dollars a year into the local economy by supplying a rare color pattern in flagstone. The same similar pattern of practice has been used by extremists to close timber sawmills, rock quarries, and cattle grazing lands across the Western USA. The irony is that these materials and products are used more than ever and at a huge cost to the environment since they are trucked or shipped all the way down from Canada into California and beyond. So Canadian people get jobs and great incomes from Western consumers and taxpayers and Western rural communities go broke or lay nearly broken.

Three Rivers Flagstone
Three Rivers Ledgestone
Product Specifications and Uses
Product Samples
Earth, Stone, Rock Building Materials believes that for most consumers and end users of these landscaping or building material products the best location to view most of these products is at the actual site where they are going be used. This is particularly true for existing homes and commercial locations that are being renovated or re-landscaped. Samples of most materials can be delivered and evaluated by you on site for you to make the most informed choice possible.

Samples are shipped via United State Postal Service, Priority Mail. We can get about 16 pounds of material into a large flat rate box. Samples are sent with an invoice on Net 10 Day Terms. When ordering your samples use the Purchase Order function at checkout and enter SAMPLES. This will allow you to make a purchase without having to pay for the samples at that ti

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